Saturday, January 15, 2011

Very upset

Lately I have had people talk about me behind my back making comments about me being a pre op transsexual female. It has really started to bother me a great deal. I have been on hormonal therapy for 11 yrs now living my life as a female. I know I'm not the prettiest woman out there and I know I pass to some existent. I have been told that some people find me a threat who me? I am one of the nicest people you will ever want to meet. Lately I have been doing a lot of crying getting real upset throwing thing inside my home braking things. I make no apologies about who I am and I'm not ashamed about who I am. Once in a wile I like to get with some friends of mine go have a drink or two and call it a night and for this people are going to talk shit about me. I am only human and can only take so much. I guess I just needed to vent my anger

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas & New Yrs.

I had a wonderful Christmas and a fab New Yr. I went to Humble Tx to see my family. I had to go in guy drab Ugh! I'm trying to quit smoking and I hope that goes very well for me this time around. My family doesn't accept me as a Trans female and ask I come home wearing guy clothing. but because I don't want to lose my family I do as they ask. I got my ID Changed over to Female a wile ago. That was the happist day of my life. Well one of em thus far.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Life changing experience

I just wanted to share the great news with everyone. I went down to the local DMV by my house took a form in my Dr filled out for me and I got my gender marker changed on my State id card to an F. I am so very happy. The 1st time I went in I took a letter from my therapist stating I had medical treatments necessary to be considerd female. I was told that wouldn't work. They told me to call this 800 number to see what I needed. Si I called the 800 number told them I wanted to change the gender marker on my ID card. They said they would send me a form have my Dr fill it out take it back to te DMV with 10 buck and its a done deal. So I did what was asked and they changed it. It is the 1st step in my transition.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Life's rambles

Hi to all who has stopped by. Not much has been going on in my life. Like I keep saying not looking forward to winter coming. I have met and made friends with another Tran's woman. Her and I get along great. Not doing much fr the Holidays. I may not be going home to Humble Tx this yr for christmas cause my father got laid off but then again he may fly me home who know's. My Birthday is coming up Nove 30'th. I'm going to Detroit Mi To a place called GiGi's Its a drag/ Trans bar. It should be fun. I will be 33 this yr. My Friend Is going to take me. Should be a lot of fun. Thanks for taking the time and effort to stop buy and take a look into my life

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Not much going on in my life at this time. I met a sweet wonderful person named Joana. She is trans like myself. I'm really looking forward to Halloween. I'm going in for a makeover. It has been raining a lot lately & cold ugggg. Not looking forward to winter. Not much of an outdoorsy person in the winter. For those reading this for the 1st time my name is Misty I am a pre op Transsexual from Traverse City Michigan. I have been on hormones for 9 yrs now. I am single I live alone. It is really hard being trans cause I live in a conservative town but I seem to make the best of it and do OK. Still looking for a job so I can get more stuff done and move forward on my journey torwards womanhood. I am the happiest I have been in a long time. My family is having a hard time accepting me and understanding what I am going through. My Birthday Is coming up Nov. 30th. Don't have any plans as of yet. Thanks for stopping by and taking a small look into my life

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Not loooking forward to Winter >X-(

Well nothing new is going on in my life. Not looking forward to winter coming. I get depressed during the winter months. I'm not much of a out dorsey type in the winter. Been having a lot of hot flashes lately. Since it's been turning cold out don't mind them so much. Not sure if i'm going home for Christmas this year. My dad has been lade off. They live in Humble Tx. Thanks for stoppig by and taking a small look into my life.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Nothing new here

Not much going on this boring sunday afternoon. Watching Star wars on T.V. Blogging ect... When I can get my finances in order I'll by a cam and make some yt videos. All my friends make them and I wanna make them to. Trying to find a job make some money. I feel the gender thing is preventing me from getting jobs