Saturday, January 15, 2011

Very upset

Lately I have had people talk about me behind my back making comments about me being a pre op transsexual female. It has really started to bother me a great deal. I have been on hormonal therapy for 11 yrs now living my life as a female. I know I'm not the prettiest woman out there and I know I pass to some existent. I have been told that some people find me a threat who me? I am one of the nicest people you will ever want to meet. Lately I have been doing a lot of crying getting real upset throwing thing inside my home braking things. I make no apologies about who I am and I'm not ashamed about who I am. Once in a wile I like to get with some friends of mine go have a drink or two and call it a night and for this people are going to talk shit about me. I am only human and can only take so much. I guess I just needed to vent my anger

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Christmas & New Yrs.

I had a wonderful Christmas and a fab New Yr. I went to Humble Tx to see my family. I had to go in guy drab Ugh! I'm trying to quit smoking and I hope that goes very well for me this time around. My family doesn't accept me as a Trans female and ask I come home wearing guy clothing. but because I don't want to lose my family I do as they ask. I got my ID Changed over to Female a wile ago. That was the happist day of my life. Well one of em thus far.